6 November 2021
Stadslabbet - Game on
On 5-6/11 we are packing our premises with video game classics!

Time & location
6 November 2021 at 12:00:00
6 November 2021 at 20:00:00
About the event
In cooperation with Karategamers, Sweden's largest video game association, we have loaded up with lots of classic video games in the Showroom! Video games for those who were there - and for those who have only heard about them. Of course, everything is completely free and we'll also be serving popcorn. So don't miss the opportunity to challenge your colleagues, friends and family!
Right next door at Arenavägen 29 is the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! Everyone is welcome, regardless of skill level. If you don't know how to play, there will be people to help you out. On Friday it' free to play, and on Saturday from 2pm there will be a tournament with prizes for the top 8. Everything is of course free and coordinated with Sthlm Shieldbreakers, Sweden's largest Super Smash Bros association.
For more information: